Friday, January 31, 2020

Mexico Country Report Essay Example for Free

Mexico Country Report Essay The measures of economic development in Mexico include per capita GDP of about 9,000 dollars. Mexico has a population of about 110 million people. It has a relatively well developed infrastructure and communication systems. Adult literacy is about 94% for the males whereas 91% for the females. Most of the labor force is concentrated in the agricultural sector (4%), industries (26%) and service industry (70%). The life expectancy in Mexico is about 75. 19% at birth. This encompasses all the races and sexes (Kohler and Tausch, 2002) Dependency theory versus modernization theory Dependency theory describes poverty as a consequence of the manner in which a country is integrated into a system rather than lack of integration. Mexico is mainly involved with other developed countries in terms of exports and the imports as the main economic activities. On the other hand, the developed countries are rarely involved in such activities with the developing countries. They are mainly involved with other countries that are well developed as well as internal trade. This consequently leads to less bargaining power in the world market (Kohler and Tausch, 2002) Religion and politics There has been considerable shift as far as religion is concerned. This also involves the relationship between the church and the state. Mexico is primarily a Roman Catholic nation though there has been continuous expansion of other evangelical churches. Despite the several constitutional bans imposed on the churches, they have continued to involve themselves in political issues. The Catholic Church, for example, has continued to involve itself in sensitive issues which concern the public. Mexico is now a multireligious nation since other evangelical churches have continued to grow in numbers. This can be attributed to the recruitment efforts in the earlier years (in the 1980s and 1990s). There are a number of protestant churches in Mexico today such as Seventh Day Adventist, Assemblies of God and the Mormons. The growth was greatly reported mainly in the south eastern part of Mexico. These areas include Chiapas, Campeche, Quintana Roo and other States in Mexico (Nesvig, 2006). The church state relations in Mexico have been reported to be one of the main causes of confrontations in Mexico. The Catholic Church has continued to play multiple roles in this nation. The government’s effort to curtail this influence has not been very successful. The catholic involvement in several areas (such as charities and institutions) and their rising numbers was seen as a threat to the government. The church’s involvement in politics is currently seen as a move to express their democratic rights and fight for the rights of the citizens. Their aim is to fight for good governance and correct the State. Currently, the relationship between the church and the state is a realistic one. This is due to the abolishment of most restrictions that had been imposed in the past (Camp, 2007). Ethnic-cultural divisions There are several indigenous groups found in Mexico. They belong to different ethnic groups and political affiliations. It is worth noting that the Indians are not just one group but comprise several ethnicities with a common background (historical and the cultural backgrounds). There are several cultural subdivisions in Mexico. One of the main subdivisions identifies the central, south eastern, northern and south Mexico. The northern part of Mexico which had been sparsely populated for a long time is now occupied by a small group of indigenous people. It is referred to as the frontier culture and it has a sparse population. The central and western part of Mexico has dense population. There are a number of indigenous populations in the central parts, coastal plains and the sierras. The culture in Mexico is a diverse one made up of different kinds of identities (Camp, 2007). Women and development It is reported that women participation in economic issues has greatly increased compared to the past. Most women are also involved in other activities in the nation and are paid better wages compared to the past. Despite the fact that men are the main persons in politics, women have also begun to be involved. This has been seen in the leadership roles in certain political parties in Mexico. On the other hand, women have also been involved in other social organizations and movements. Despite the fact that the law clearly advocates for equality between women and men, there is still differences between the two. This can be seen in the types of privileges and their authority. Women are mostly involved in religious issues in Mexico (Roberts and McBee, 2008) Agrarian reform and the politics of rural change The agrarian reforms in Mexico have been one of the main accomplishments in Mexico though it was not an easy task. It is reported that most people had small plots of lands which were not enough to meet their needs. Most of these people were the campesinos. However, most of the privately owned lands were taken and redistributed. The ejido or community plots were the mode of redistribution of the lands. In this arrangement, the government was petitioned by the citizens to seize most of the privately owned properties. The land was owned by the state but every person was free to farm. This was done either individually or as a group but the land could not be sold by the Ejidatarios. They were also compelled to continue using the lands or else the right of use is withdrawn. Every person had the right to use the land including the Comuneros. The current scenario in Mexico is the continued struggle to redistribute the lands to the poor who are landless. This is carried out by most organizations (Roberts and McBee, 2008) Rapid urbanization and the politics of the urban poor The rapid urbanization in Mexico can be attributed to certain policies which had positive impacts ion the industrial sector. They led to an increase in industrial production. Despite the rapid urbanization, several problems have also been encountered. For example, most cities do not have efficient way of distributing water supplies. Secondly, the sewerage system is not a good one in most areas. The factors which have contributed to urban growth are population increase and urban migration. Migration can be due to the search of better opportunities or lifestyle (Roberts and McBee, 2008) Despite the fact that the poverty trends in Mexico have been improving since 2002, the urban poverty has continued to rise. This is the greatest challenge as far as the equitable distribution of resources is concerned. The rural areas have continued to be improved with time and the level of poverty reduced in these areas. Several factors can be attributed to this change. These include; diversified incomes from economic activities and other services like tourism. The main area that needs improvement is the urban areas. Most people in these areas usually toil very hard but are paid less. Most of their incomes are got as a result of manual labor (about 60%). Accessibility of opportunities to the poor has not improved in the urban areas. Revolutionary change/Soldiers and politics The revolution in Mexico began as early as 1910 and it involved several movements. It kept changing from not just a revolt but into a civil war which involved several parties. It led to the establishment of the constitution in 1917 by the representatives. The beginning of the revolution was in 1929 with the establishment of National Revolutionary Party (NRP). It hang on to power until the year 2000 (Hart, 2007). This revolution involved everyone including Mexican women and their impacts were felt during this period. It is reported that they took part in several activities, professions and took part in wars. Some of the famous known women participants were known as the Soldaderas who were closely involved with the militias. It is reported that the main reasons why women joined in such risky affairs was due to fear of being left alone by their husbands. Some were also involved because they saw this as a collective duty. Some of the women who took part in the revolutionary process include Hermila Galindo and Dolores Muro (Jandura, 2009). The political economy of third world development Mexico experiences a wide gap more as far as wealth distribution is concerned. The level of inequalities has continued to rise in this country especially with the introduction of certain economic policies. It has been reported that a lot of people live below the poverty line with a small number of people in the middle class. The level of poverty and marginalization has continued to spread in many parts of the country but are mostly seen in the southern and central parts of rural Mexico. Most settlements do not have the basic services and social amenities. Most of the poorest groups are the Indians who are also highly marginalized (Anderson and Glade, 1963). On the other hand, the wealthiest groups of people are mostly the whites. The differences between the rich and the poor are easily noticed in the modes of dressing and the lifestyles of the people. The usage of facilities also shows a difference. Wealthy people have access to the best facilities and institutions whereas the poor are not allowed to. These differences have led to discrimination in Mexico and ethnic rivalry. Most of the government’s help is directed to the urban areas (Villareal, 2010). References Anderson, C. W. Glade, W. P. (1963). The Political Economy of Mexico. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. Camp, R. A. (2007). Crossing swords: Politics and Religion in Mexico. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield Hart J. M. (2007). Revolutionary Syndicalism in Mexico. Retrieved on 22 August 2010 from http://libcom. org/library/revolutionary-syndicalism-mexico-john-m-hart Jandura T. (2009). Revolutionary Mexican Women. Retrieved on 22 August 2010 from http://www. ic. arizona. edu/ic/mcbride/ws200/mex-jand. htm Kohler G. and Tausch A. (2002) Global Keynesianism: Unequal exchange and global exploitation. Huntington NY: Nova Science. Nesvig, M. A. (2006). Local Religion in Mexico. Gainesville: University Press of Florida Roberts E. R. McBee G. W. (2008) Modernization and Economic Development in Mexico: A factor analytic Approach. Retrieved on 22 August 2010 from http://www. jstor. org/pss/1152237 Villareal A. M. (March 31, 2010). US-Mexico Economic Relations: Trends, Issues and Implications. Retrieved on 22 August 2010 from http://www. fas. org/sgp/crs/row/RL32934. pdf

Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Most Common Types of Leukemia in Adults Essay -- health, diseases

In the United States, there was an estimated 310,046 people are living with or are in remission from Leukemia according to statistics gathered in 2013. Incidence rates for all types of leukemia developing in males are higher than in females; males are expected to account for approximately 57 percent of the new cases of leukemia. In all races or ethnicities, it is the tenth most frequently occurring type of cancer. However, incidence is highest among non-Hispanic whites, (13,600) while incidence is lowest among Asian and Pacific Islander populations (7,400) and American Indian and Alaska Native populations (7,300). In 2013, leukemia was diagnosed in approximately twelve times as many adults (43,749) as children and adolescents younger than 15 years (3,605). The median age at diagnosis is sixty-six years old and the median for death caused by the disease is seventy-five years old. The most common types of leukemia in adults are Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) and Chronic Lymphocytic Leuke mia (ACL). The most common type of leukemia in children and adolescents younger than 20 years is Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). In 2010, ALL was accountable for 74 percent of the new leukemia cases in children and adolescents younger than 20 years. Most cases of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) occur in adults. In 2010, CML was accountable for about 3.3 percent of new cases of leukemia in children and adolescents younger than twenty years. Almost two percent of all cases of CML are in adolescents, ages 15 to 19 years. There was a notable improvement in survival from 1975 to 2008. Divided into five year periods, there was only a 34% survival rate from 1975 to 1977 but the survival rate rose to 58% from 2002 to 2008, the difference being statistical... ...Finke, J., †¦ Rocha, V. (2012). Bone marrow or peripheral blood stem cell transplantation from unrelated donors in adult patients with acute myeloid leukaemia, an Acute Leukaemia Working Party analysis in 2262 patients. Journal of Internal Medicine, 272, 472–83. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2796.2012.02547.x Siegel, R., Naishadham, D., & Jemal, A. (2013). Cancer Statistics, 2013. CA Cancer J Clin, 63, 11–30. doi:10.3322/caac.21166. Wang, J. C. Y., & Dick, J. E. (2005). Cancer stem cells: lessons from leukemia. Trends in Cell Biology, 15, 494–501. doi:10.1016/j.tcb.2005.07.004 Weber, C. (2013). Leukaemia: how can stem cells help? EuroStemCell. Retrieved February 14, 2014, from Wu, L. (2012). Leukemias. Medscape. Retrieved February 14, 2014, from

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

3 ways HR professionals support line managers and their staff Essay

Recruitment: The process of selection and appointment of suitable candidates for jobs in an organisation, in a short span and cost effectively manner. The process includes analyzing the requirements of a job, attracting employees to that job, screening and selecting candidates, hiring and integrating the new employee to the company. It is a critical activity not only for the HR function but also for the line managers and various departments involved. The most important responsibility of the HR function is to find the right people for the right position. Defining targets and approaching the target with a view to hire does this. An HR professional’s ability to attract new talent that fits the needs of a company, they are trained to be proficient when organising orientation manuals, pre-employment screens and other steps prior to employment of a new hire. Thus the organisation gains the best talents on board be it internally or externally which maximizes the overall growth. â€Å"The key for us, number one, has always been hiring very smart people.† – Bill Gates, 1993 Training and Development: Learning and development strategy articulates workforce capabilities, skills or competencies required and how these can be developed, to ensure the run of a successful organization. The HR function helps in developing the mindset and skills to support the business in its evolution. They ensure that all the employees leave every session with a tangible skill they can  put in place immediately when they return to their desk. This gives a competitive advantage and adapt to economic circumstances. These are achieved by conducting seminars, boot camps, master classes and incorporating social media into content to understanding audience behaviours. The HR team ensures that these are designed and delivered by experts inside business or respected external figures. As key element of an organisation’s learning strategy they will target the long–term development of those identified as exceptionally high-performing individuals, who are critical to long-term business success. Hence this will widen employee’s knowledge and helps drives high performance level for a long-term successful business. â€Å"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.† – Nelson Mandela, 2007 Employee Engagement: Employee engagement is a workplace approach designed to ensure that employees are committed to their organization’s goals and values, motivated to contribute to organizational success, and are able to simultaneously enhance their own sense of well-being. The HR function makes sure that the employees have an engagement with the organization and engagement with their manager, which automatically increases the competency and results in high performance. They are able to analyze the key drivers of engagement and plan activities or initiatives that will have the greatest impact of engaging the employees. The HR team engages the employees by arranging fitness activities, cultural events, mentoring activities, book clubs, family activities, charity run, volunteering activities, visits to other departments, company lunch, etc. This gives an opportunity to a good needed break from their routine, which is essential for employees. Thus this leads to increased productivity, increased quality, greater innovation and better customer service. â€Å"On what high-performing companies should be striving to create: A great place for great people to do great work.† – Marilyn Carlson, former CEO of Carlson Companies, 2014 The following report tells, as to how HR professionals support line managers and staff Communication: Organizational communication refers to the forms and channels of communication among employees of organizations. Studies have found a strong relationship between the levels of communication in an organization and job performance and satisfaction. Organizational communication takes place upward, downward and horizontally. The HR function helps to bridge the gap between the management and direct employees or vice versa. The HR department has the responsibility to encourage management at all levels to communicate with employees regarding all matters of concern, including various company actions such as layoffs, promotions and important subject matters such as benefits, company policies and employment stability. Excellent communication between HR personnel and the company’s employees keeps them constantly well informed. Employees need to be listened at all times so that it will not demotivate them. Hence communication done with the help of HR function has been shown to be linked to good company’s success. â€Å"The art of communication is the language of leadership† – James Humes, 2011 Performance Management: Performance Management encourages the continuous improvement of business processes and of individuals’ skills, behaviour and contributions. This evaluation system is an invaluable tool for all business. An annual performance review places all employees on an equal field and allows the managers to see which employees are creating the most value for the organization. HR function plays an important role, by ensuring that the  process is far, accurate and managed appropriately. It motivates employees and helps in the development of the organization in the right direction. The goals and tasks of managers and employees should be aligned with the business strategy. HR function helps in setting departmental and individual performance targets, evaluates the whole process to improve effectiveness and also encourage business heads to award the right employee. This is like a key delivery mechanism associated with the management behaviours instrumental in driving performance, such as listening, coaching, communicating and creating relationships based on trust and respect. By giving such support, the line managers and organization will be definitely benefited. â€Å"A process, which contributes to the effective management of individuals and teams in order to achieve high levels of organizational performance.† – Armstrong M. and Baron A. (2004), Managing Performance: Performance Management in action, Institute of Personnel and Development. Job Analysis: Detailed examination of the task, that makes up an employee role also what the job requires in terms of aptitudes, attitudes, knowledge and skills of an employee. It is the first step in a thorough understanding of the job and forms the basis of job description. Job analysis is important primarily because of its influence on organisational structure and also the interrelatedness of it and job design. Without detailed information gained from job analysis, structuring an organisation and understanding where potential duplicity occurs in roles and functions will be difficult. Job analysis is used to: Establish and document competencies required for a job. Identify the job-relatedness of the tasks and competencies needed to successfully perform the job Provide a source of legal defensibility of assessment and selection procedures. It allows departments to identify paths of job progression for employees interested in improving their opportunities for career advancement. Thus line managers and heads are encouraged to consult with HR function for guidance at every step in the job analysis process. â€Å"The entrepreneur builds an enterprise; the technician builds a job† – Michael E. Gerber, (2001), The E-Myth Revisited: Why most small business don’t work and what to do about it, Harper Business Hence the HR function would be grateful, if it is still retained in the organisation. As mentioned the above functions and roles will improvise the growth of the company.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Day Spa Business Plan - 1060 Words

Total Transformations Day Spa Business Plan Brenda Anderson University of Phoenix - Axia Total Transformations Day Spa Business Plan Description of My Business My plan for Total Transformations Day Spa concentrates on the needs of the client’s appearance and an overall feeling of well being. I will provide professional staff who offers an array of services that grants the clients assistance in hair care, tanning, and nail care as well as the total comfort in spa care. Here we focus on the entire family population that has a desire to look and feel better. We have an ample supply of top-of-the-line products for each department that our clients will be encouraged to purchase for enrichment of their services provided here at†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ I will also have, before I hire any employees, an attorney whose specialty falls under labor laws. We will be prepared due to the risk of having employees. Managers Use of Financial Information I know that providing information of financial reports is the primary objective for useful and productive decision making. This is absolutely critical for a manager in a business. For this ability I will depend on the financial reports to give me an idea of where the profits and losses were for a specific period of time, and it gives me a business look at the past, present and future in regards to expenses of operation. Within these expenses is an array of costs that include; lease or payments of buildings, salaries, utilities, profit margins, product cost, employee expenses, company benefits, comp insurance, supplies, equipment, and any other outgoing expense for the business including accounting and attorney fees. Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to doing business with you. Below, I have provided a look at what is expect through a monthly Balance Sheet here at Total Transformations Day Spa: [pic] As you can see from this mock Balance Sheet of our business, it (1) has enough assets to pay our debts when they are due, and (2) the claims of short and long-term creditors onShow MoreRelatedManhattan View Day Spa Business Plan1210 Words   |  5 Pages Business Plan OWNERS: Bishoy Meawad Manhattan View Day Spa 100 Old Palisade Rd, #103 Fort Lee, NJ 07024 (201)889-889 (973)998-998 I. Table of Contents I. Table of Contents ................................................................................................... 3 II. Executive Summary............................................................................................... 4 III. 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